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The Danger of Low Testosterone in Men

The Danger of Low Testosterone, Risks Associated with Low hGH in Men, HGH Side Effects, What Causes Low Testosterone, testosterone therapy preventive medicine

The Danger of Low Testosterone in Men

The Danger of Low Testosterone is a danger in Men who suffer from low testosterone (Low T), as noticed through blood work and symptoms, most definitely in a large group of people aged 40 to 59, which ratio-wise have more cardiac troubles than the rest of the population. This includes the so-called Heart Attack, which men dread, as they move toward age 50. Thus, low testosterone gets right to the heart of the matter: low testosterone will, in time, cause damage to the core.

Why? Because one of the testosterone jobs is to keep muscles lean and strong. As we men approach age 40, we are losing our ability to make youthful blood levels of the protection testosterone has to offer men long term.

It does so because testosterone, at youthful blood levels, can keep the heart young, strong, and normal-sized.

  • LOW Testosterone does just the opposite, and thus can cause a severe cardiovascular accident such as a heart attack! Research cardiologists quickly understand Low Testosterone to be in and of itself a risk factor for heart disease and early death!
  • Low serum blood levels of free testosterone: the type of testosterone made available to the human body cells to keep muscle function and structure within normal parameters.

Remember, the heart is a muscle, and one of testosterone therapy’s main functions is to keep all muscles strong and at the normal structural size.

  • If you have a good total cholesterol blood count but low free testosterone, you are still at risk for major cardiovascular degeneration over time.
  • It’s a must for men to understand the serious risks to health that low testosterone brings forth in men.

Low testosterone in men also can cause type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Several medical research centers in the Midwest use testosterone alone to treat type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome with excellent results. People think Type 2 diabetes is harmless because good medications are available. Of course, that form of thinking is incorrect. Medications for type 2 diabetes are ineffective and can have devastating side effects.

The very idea that any form of diabetes is harmless is silly, and type 2 diabetes not well treated or not treated at all can seriously damage a person’s life.

  • Sugars crystallize in the very smallest capillaries of the feet and toes, not allowing the feet to get a blood supply; thus, sometimes, surgical removal of a foot may occur. This happens to patients who do not fully grasp how deficient testosterone can be a living human being over time.

It is certainly amazing that this wonder hormone, used correctly, can effectively treat diabetes is another feather in the cap of our experts in HRT optimization. We here at AAI clinics keep up with all the leading-edge research so we may help you to help yourself better.

Most folks know some of the other negative life hurdles with LOW TESTOSTERONE:

  • Much Lower Energy and Stamina
  • Lack of Sexual Drive and Desire
  • Loss of Memory and Focus
  • Muscle Weakness
  • High Cholesterol
  • Mood Disorders
  • Depression
  • Hair Loss
  • The non-productive, sudden rise in Belly Fat
  • Workouts in the Gym are not productive with low Testosterone.

Low Testosterone causes a reduction in muscle mass and impedes muscle growth.

With Low Testosterone, no matter how much weight and repetitions you do in a workout, muscle development fails, and buying unknown, sourced testosterone at a Gym is gambling with your life. Let our true EXPERTS here at AAI show you a better way forward. We have a deep concern and loyalty to our clients. We spend extra time with our clients and give them updated information. We go the extra mile for our clients, so this article shall contain a broader, scientifically valid point of interest in other dangers for any man with LOW Testosterone.

Low Testosterone can be the cause of both Hyperlipidemia (high body fat) and Inflammation.

  • Inflammation is the root of virtually all disease states of being.
  • High inflammation can and does lead to a poor immune system.
  • Testosterone treatment can stop inflammation; that alone is reason enough for a guy 35 to 85 years of age to avail one’s self, of our organic bio-identical hormone optimization protocols.

Another grave outcome of having Low Testosterone is the onset of Atherosclerosis, a fancy way of saying too much fat in your tiny capillaries and veins. That is a difficult situation to allow for the long-term, as there may not be a long-term if one does not take action and gets on AAI Rejuvenation’s Testosterone optimization therapy.

Vascular Tone and Much Improved Function.

Research Scientists have found that people who go on a testosterone treatment protocol show strong evidence that testosterone is very beneficial to:

  • keeping youthful Veins and Arteries
  • reduce angina (pain around the heart)
  • reduce peripheral vascular disease.

Large studies with significant population numbers clearly show testosterone improves Blood Pressure in a large demographic, with those who still produced youthful enough blood levels of testosterone or had testosterone therapy provided to them by an expert in the HRT field, Exogenously (from the outside as in the patch, injections, gels).

The control group had a 40% higher rate of illness of various kinds, with the largest segment affecting their heart and brain, as in a heart attack or stroke. Finally, recent population studies show that The Danger of Low Testosterone levels is associated with cardiovascular traumas and Mortality (Death from The Danger of Low Testosterone).

A study of 794 men, aged 50 to 91, done over 20 years indicates that The Danger of Low Testosterone causes death AT A RATE 40% HIGHER THEN THE SECOND GROUP WHICH HAD NORMAL TO HIGH BLOOD LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE. So come on, guys, we need to take action and bring up our testosterone levels, and here at AAI, we give you only the best of the best programs.

Anemia Development

There are many risks associated with maintaining low testosterone levels. The main issue is that problem that surfaces from maintaining these low levels may take months or even years to foster. Unfortunately, sometimes when these negative developments are seen to fruition, reversing the symptoms can be much more difficult, if not impossible. The result of anemia can be one such case.

This is why it’s imperative that we, as humans, especially men, understand the importance of maintaining healthy levels of testosterone throughout our life. A study from the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Division of Renal Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, concluded that hypogonadal men (clinically diagnosed as producing little to no testosterone) were 5.3 times (95% confidence interval 2.2-12.5) more likely to be anemic.

Conversely, the April issue of The Journal of Urology ran a study that undoubtedly pointed to the fact that testosterone therapy for anemic men displaying symptoms of The Danger of Low Testosterone had the potential of regressing the symptoms of anemia by increasing the hemoglobin in the blood and stimulating the production of more red blood cells.

This is very promising and exciting news for the ever-evolving opinion of testosterone injection therapy and its potential for returning a certain high-level quality of life to its participants.

**NOTE**  The content in this blog is subject to interpretation and is the opinion of the content writer.  We do not claim it to be fact.  We encourage you to consult a medical doctor before taking any prescribed medications or supplements.

Testosterone Therapy Information

**NOTE** The content in this blog is subject to interpretation and is the opinion of the content writer. We do not claim it to be fact. We encourage you to consult a medical doctor before taking any prescribed medications or supplements.


Supporting Hormones health is essential for overall well-being and vitality. By incorporating regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and IV therapy, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels and lead a healthy, balanced life. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or starting any new treatments to ensure they suit your needs.

At AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, we advise anyone to think seriously about beginning Hormone treatment if there is no medical need for it. However, we will take every precaution to ensure that you read your program’s positive benefits by providing the latest at-home hormonal mouth-swab testing to ensure we are continually monitoring your progress and aware of any adverse side effects. Fill out the Medical History Form, or if you need more information, call us at (866) 224-5698 or (866) AAI-Low-T.

Low Hormone Symptoms


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