Cure Heart Disease Through Educated Eating
Heart Disease Remedy Part 5 of 5 Cure heart disease by eating healthy. That sounds so outlandish, considering we live in a time where the consensus is that only a doctor’s prescription pad can lead to a cure, and food is only for gratification and entertainment.
This is the last and final chapter of our Heart Healing Remedy 5-part series. In previous chapters, we’ve discussed an array of heart-healing foods and supplements that can potentially cure heart disease. If you missed the first few original articles, you can click here to go back and read them.
Green Tea, Super Sustenance, and B-Vitamins Step Number Nine of Ten
To this day, the Japanese still enjoy the lowest heart disease numbers worldwide. This is due primarily to the blood-thinning diet they consume in abundance. It’s statistically recorded that more than 50% of Japanese people drink 3 cups of green tea daily.
You can easily find research on green tea and how its polyphenols are backed by over 1000 studies confirming its ability to aid against heart disease. It’s recommended to substitute coffee for green tea. Though coffee also offers some heart benefits, it is full of free radicals because it is burnt chard-up coffee beans. Beyond that, we know that coffee does not improve health, while green tea does, making it superior to coffee. Green Tea should be on the menu when working on a cure for heart disease.
Superfoods like goji, acai, and maca root are highly recommended. Acai and goji can easily be added to smoothies. People should start considering getting into the morning tonic we’ve discussed. That tonic has immeasurable health benefits, covers main focal health points, and incorporates maca powder to maximize the consumer’s endocrine function.
Maca assists with hormone balancing and increased vitality. Studies show low hormone levels also play a role in heart disease.
Maca is the best endocrine-enhancing food there is. Even a person on Testosterone therapy should consider taking maca. Aside from balancing your testosterone levels, as a testosterone therapy protocol would specifically do, maca powder works on the endocrine system.
Our bodies produce over 30 hormones, so optimizing its functionality is a sure way to feel your best and help your body function. In our continued quest to find a cure for heart disease, we’ve found that the cardiovascular benefits of anthocyanins are well-regarded for their promising potential. Studies show they can help prevent blood clots, improve circulation, relax blood vessels, and prevent arteriosclerosis.
The dark purple skin of the acai berry contains anthocyanin. A serving of acai contains 33 times more anthocyanin than a glass of red wine or a bunch of grapes. In a Ningxia Medical University study, goji berries contain beta-sitosterol, also in avocado, which studies indicate may help normalize cholesterol.
B Vitamins are important for good health, and you can generally get them from food; however, with heart disease, it is shown that, particularly, folic acid (vitamin B-9) dramatically lowers Homocysteine while niacin
(Vitamin B-3) is more impactful in lowering cholesterol.
Garden of Life makes a “Raw B Complex Vitamin” that works well if you want to get something quick off the line. Of course, at AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, you can obtain a prescription for injectable B complex vitamins, which the body absorbs superiorly to any oral mixture. Fill out the Medical History Form, and we can assist you with obtaining this prescription strength compound.
Obligatory – Cease Consumption of All Dairy Products Immediately Step Number Ten of Ten
To cure heart disease, you must avoid dairy at all costs. The issue with this is we are so used to dairy. It is an intricate part of the fabric of our society and a staple of American growth and development, not to mention an absolute must for breakfast and the most delightful culinary achievements. How can we have the gall to tell people to avoid all dairy products? It’sIt’s quite simple, and it depends on the severity of your issue and how much you want or need to improve your cardiovascular capacity.
Cheese is the very worst kind of dairy product. It gets the title of “Worst artery-clogging food.” Avoid all milk products for six months. Try it. It will be hard, but nothing supersedes life. Nothing tastes better than being healthy.
Final Words in Concluding Our Heart Disease Remedy 5-Part Series
This protocol is for people looking to cure heart disease. It’sIt’s a general protocol for maintaining excellent heart health. There may be a family history of heart disease. Well, beat the odds with the right foods! Doing this heart disease remedy protocol, even briefly, can lead to supreme health transformations. If heart disease is in your life now, don’tdon’t be so afraid that you remain paralyzed. Take action!! You will still get excellent results if you follow only 50% of this heart disease remedy. However, if you manage to rev up your engines and get your willpower going enough to do it 100%, you can rest assured your next lab results will amaze your doctor.
Lastly, make sure that you show this protocol to your doctor before you begin doing any of it. Food is medicine; some may not be appropriate for you, and your doctor can help inform you. Always seek input from your doctor before you begin any protocol or consider any substitutions.
Quick Summary:
Click here to view the recipe for Morning Tonic specified above.
Click here to view the Morning Medicinal Tea recipe specified above.
We are happy to discuss your thoughts if you have any questions about any of the information in this article or any previous ones. We always emphasize that hormone health is crucial to all your organ functions.
Testosterone levels are directly correlated to heart health, so if you have yet to check your hormones, you want to contact us so we can help you schedule quick and easy blood work. We can even help you set up private, at-home testing, so you can receive new results to base your next move on. To have someone reach you within 24 business hours, please fill out our Medical History Form. If you’d like to speak with someone right away during normal business hours (EST), you can dial: (866) 224-5698
**NOTE** The content in this blog is subject to interpretation and is the opinion of the content writer. We do not claim it to be fact. We encourage you to consult a medical doctor before taking any prescribed medications or supplements.
Supporting Hormones health is essential for overall well-being and vitality. By incorporating regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and IV therapy, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels and lead a healthy, balanced life. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or starting any new treatments to ensure they suit your needs.
At AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, we advise anyone to think seriously about beginning Hormone treatment if there is no medical need. However, we will take every precaution to ensure that you read your program’sprogram’s positive benefits by providing the latest at-home hormonal mouth-swab testing to ensure we are continually monitoring your progress and aware of any adverse side effects. Fill out the Medical History Form, or if you need more information, call us at (866) 224-5698 or (866) AAI-Low-T.
Low Hormone Symptoms
- Motivation
- Sex Drive and Desire
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Cholesterol
- Low Energy
- Memory Loss
- Osteoporosis
- Wounds & Illness
- Muscle Mass
- Sleep Disturbances
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Weight Gain