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The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols

testosterone produced, Testosterone Boosters, Testosterone is, The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols

The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols

The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols: We will review the more popular testosterone protocols in this passage for educational and explanatory purposes. However, we must emphasize that real, health-driven Different Types of Testosterone Protocols can only be structured by the patient’s prescribing physician.

Without things like:

  • Blood Work
  • Physical Exam
  • Medical History
  • Family History
  • Patient File

… your prescribing physician would not have a complete profile of your medical background and history to base your dosages and weekly routine on.

Issues such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Excessively high prostate levels
  • Specific forms of diabetes
  • Elevated red blood counts (thick blood)
  • Excessive cortisol levels
  • Unique cardiac problems

… must be considered and regarded heavily when structuring a healthy and effective with The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols if the intent is to experience a program free of negative side effects. These ailments will also dictate the specifically incorporated nutraceuticals and additional supplements involved in structuring your entire AAI-organized testosterone protocol.

Again, we stress that the protocols outlined below are not to be followed by anyone on a testosterone injection regimen.

These are example protocols used to give interested prospects an idea of what they will get into on their journey for extended youth and optimal health.

Protocol for a generally healthy man suffering from low Testosterone:

The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols for most men on testosterone are doing so due to age-related issues manifesting in their life and physiology. That being said, patients that attack their low testosterone concerns early and do not allow their bodies to fully experience the decline associated with maintaining extended periods of low hormone levels usually will benefit greatly from an elementary yet comprehensive testosterone program.

That program usually goes as follows:

  • Day 1: Administer 50mg – 250mg of Testosterone (Ester determined by client file/goals)
  • Day 1 or 2: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type determined by patient file).
  • Day 3: One injection of a B-Vitamin/amino acid (type determined by patient file/goals)
  • Day 5: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type determined by patient file).
  • Day 6: Administer 1x injection of testosterone secretagogue 250 units – 800 units (25 – 80 on insulin syringe)
  • Day 7: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type determined by patient file) [sometimes 2x estrogen blockers a week is enough – determined by patient file]
  • Day 7: Administer 1x injection of testosterone injections secretagogue 250 units – 800 units (25 – 80 on insulin syringe)

Protocol for men focusing on muscle development (reverse lean muscle loss):

At AAI, we also help patients interested in aiding their physicality and maximizing their output. We want to be clear that we do NOT assist with performance enhancement. However, patients suffering from low Testosterone that is on testosterone therapy already have to work out and exercise to maximize their benefits and get the most out of their programs.

  • Since that is already going to be done, dedicated patients exert the necessary efforts to change their bodies and look their best have options through AAI to assist them with their focus.

Bear in mind these same therapies also work wonderfully for patients that may react to treatment with too much aromatization (Estrogen accumulation).

Men experiencing excessive aromatization or lean muscle depletion and focusing on rebuilding muscle may be prescribed a similar protocol to the following:

  • Day 1: Administer 50mg – 150mg of a combination of Testosterone esters (Esters determined by client file/goals)
  • Day1 or 2: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type chosen by patient file).
  • Day 3: One injection of a B-Vitamin/amino acid (type determined by patient file/goals)
  • Day 4: Administer 50mg – 150mg of a combination of Testosterone esters (Esters determined by client file/goals)
  • Day 5: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type chosen by patient file).
  • Day 6: Administer 1x injection of testosterone secretagogue 250 units – 800 units (25 – 80 on insulin syringe)
  • Day 7: Take 1x estrogen blocker or inhibitor by mouth (type determined by patient file) [sometimes 2x estrogen blockers a week is enough – determined by patient file]
  • Day 7: Administer 1x injection of testosterone injections secretagogue 250 units – 800 units (25 – 80 on insulin syringe)

These cycles would normally continue for anywhere between 6 – 9 months before there is a period in which the body needs to break and reactivate.

  • Remember, when you artificially manipulate your testosterone therapy levels, other body functions stop operating since they don’t need to work on testosterone production due to the participant taking care of that exogenously (externally).

The breaking period, normally called post-cycle therapy, consists of medications formulated to reactivate the dormant systems that weren’t being used. In contrast, your testosterone therapy was being administered. Basic functions that need to be dealt with and re-activated are:

  • Your FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone): Signal from the brain to the testis to produce sperm.
  • Your LH (Luteinizing Hormone): Signal from the brain to the testis to produce testosterone.
  • A flux in estrogen accumulation after extended periods of high Testosterone levels
  • Water retention, decrease in libido, and other sluggish side-effects associated with high Estradiol levels from a past cycle of testosterone injections.

What does Post Cycle Therapy consist of?

Your post-cycle therapy consists of a secretagogue to help stimulate testosterone secretion from the testis. The effort is to reignite its natural production. This medication mimics the signal from your brain to your testis (Luteinizing Hormone) to incite testosterone production, despite your levels being elevated due to therapy.

You will also take a blocker and an agonist (Clomid/Clomiphene is an example of this, which blocks certain types of estrogen from getting to the pituitary and hypothalamus and telling it to stop producing testosterone. Again, Clomid prevents this estrogen signal from getting to those glands. Hence, the brain never receives those estrogen indicators and continues the production of testosterone.), which will also help reactivate the normal functionality of your LH and FSH signals. It helps to put them back in line while also assisting in flushing out any residual estrogen accumulated during therapy. The residual estrogen collected during aromatization resulting from high testosterone levels from treatment cause all the negative said effects always associated with and blamed on testosterone specifically.

It’s not the testosterone. The lack of preventative measures and accurately incorporated medicinal facts contribute to the manifestation of alarming side effects that can be easily avoided with a proper physician organized and supervised The Different Types of Testosterone Protocols.

Post Cycle Protocol:

  • Administer 250 – 800 (25 – 80 on an insulin syringe) units of testosterone injection secretagogue (type determined by patient file) every day for ten consecutive days.
  • Take 1x blocker/agonist by mouth every day for 10 – 15 consecutive days (type and amount of days determined by patient file)

At AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, we pride ourselves in being able to offer real information to our patients without making them feel obligated for anything anytime. We hope that our helping to educate you correctly will incite a strong, lasting relationship of trust and confidence in our programs and our abilities to help you reach your goals.

One chat with our friendly staff, and you will see this is not just pretty writing.

**NOTE** The content in this blog is subject to interpretation and is the opinion of the content writer. We do not claim it to be fact. We encourage you to consult a medical doctor before taking any prescribed medications or supplements.


Supporting Hormones health is essential for overall well-being and vitality. By incorporating regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and IV therapy, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels and lead a healthy, balanced life. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or starting any new treatments to ensure they suit your needs.

At AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, we advise anyone to think seriously about beginning Hormone treatment if there is no medical need for it. However, we will take every precaution to ensure that you read your program’s positive benefits by providing the latest at-home hormonal mouth-swab testing to ensure we are continually monitoring your progress and aware of any adverse side effects. Fill out the Medical History Form, or if you need more information, call us at (866) 224-5698 or (866) AAI-Low-T.

Low Hormone Symptoms


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