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Improve Vascular Appearance Naturally and Effectively

Improve Vascular Appearance

Vascular Appearance naturally: For a lot of men that are working out, the appearance of healthy, strong veins road-mapping their body, accentuating their hard work and dedication is something that is unequivocally sought after. You’ve probably encountered a strong man or two that, before he takes a picture or runs into a person of interest, drops down and does a quick 20 push-ups.

Why is that?

The blood gets pumping through the veins, dilates the entire vascular system and gives the appearance of a more defined, stronger physique.

Can we do anything to naturally improve vascular appearance as a whole? Sure.

Get to Low Body Fat

Step 1 Bring Down Body Fat

This is the most important part, and also the most obvious.

  • However, that’s also the place where fat mass accumulates.
  • Go above 10% and your veins will slowly disappear
  • Go below 7% and you’re going to wreck your hormones balance with the strict diet.

You Need Big, Strong Muscles

Step 1 Bring Down Body Fat (Watermarked)

This may seem like an obvious point but, it’s definitely one that needs highlighting.

It’s as simple as it sounds. You must have bigger and stronger muscles in order for your natural vascularity to more overtly come through.

What can I do to get larger muscles?

It’s just as simple as lifting bigger, heavier weights. Of course, you have to have a plan in place and particular program you are focusing on but, whatever your preferred routine, increasing weights and tweaking your regimen to trick your muscles out of their accustomed routine will accelerate your muscle growth.

If you notice that you are working out hard and you are not growing muscle, it may be an indication that your testosterone levels are low. We can help you with a simple at-home Testosterone testing kit. It’s only $75. If your test results come back as you being Testosterone deficient, you may qualify for testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy will significantly aid in the production of muscle growth and development.

Step 3: Increasing Your Nitric Oxide Levels is the Key to Vascularity

Nitric oxide is an incredibly important molecule in the cardiovascular system.

Not only does it relax and smooth tissue dilates arteries and improves blood flow, but it also reduces arterial stiffness.

It will make sense now that you will find that many pre-workout supplements have some kind of incorporated ingredient to increase nitric oxide levels. When you feel it’s giving you that extra “oomph”, it’s really just an increase in blood flow resulting from the upsurge in nitric oxide.

This is actually one of the reasons our doctors typically incorporate L-Arginine into our Testosterone programs. It’s a nitric oxide booster. It helps dilate the vascular system even further, aiding in that extra blood flow to your needing muscles. It’s also said to help with recuperation time and stamina for corresponding reasons. We often have promotions on L-Arginine so, please make sure to ask. L-Arginine is also used on its own to help improve vascular appearance.

Also, consider consuming more natural nitrates such as what you’d ingest from:

  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Celery
  • Lettuce
  • Beets

The nitrates will convert into nitric oxide as a result of actions of the bacteria on your tongue and inside your gut.

Improve Vascular Appearance



Thermogenic Foods (Heat Production)Step 4 -Thermogenic FoodsIncrease your basal body temperature and your body naturally forces blood closer towards the skin and further away from the internal organs.

  • Your body will do this in its attempt to ensure the organs never overheat.
  • This is totally natural and safe.
  • Even a hot shower has the same effect, though very temporary.

For a longer lasting effect and the increase in visible vascularity, just eat foods with spices. The hotter the better! These have Thermogenic effects on the body.Quick Mix Vascularity (imeage) (watermarked)

Simple Examples:

  • Cayenne pepper,
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Chili pepper
  • Garlic
  • Ginseng
  • Guarana
  • Turmeric
  • Horseradish

Quick Mix:

Mix some cayenne pepper and ginger in water and gulp it down. It will give you:

  • A nice testosterone boost.
  • A thermogenic effect.
  • A nitric oxide boost.

Perfect for increasing natural vascularity.

If you really want to get into it and improve vascular appearance, you can add another main ingredient to the mix:

  • Garlic increases protein absorption, which helps with muscle growth. Moreover, it also has an ability to help with the production of Testosterone.

A little bit of honey can also be added in an attempt to assist with sweetening the drink a bit. You definitely do not want to add any regular sugar. You want to avoid regular sugar as much as you possibly can.

Step 5: Avoid Water Retention

Controlling your water retention will significantly help you improve vascular appearance. The same area where the veins we are trying to accentuate are located is also the region where subcutaneous water accumulates. This happens because the sodium in salt helps to “store” the water there. This is what we call water retention. Did you ever eat fast food or other processed salts and then couldn’t take your rings off the next morning? Now you know why.

The occurrence is basically called water retention, and it’s also the reason why processed salt bloats you up like a balloon.

Water Balloon (image)(watermarked)Diuretics work to fight this. However, they are VERY dangerous if not used correctly so we advise against them.

The best way to fight this is by simply controlling ourselves from eating processed foods made with low-quality salts. If you can cook your own meals, it’s your best bet. Use non-processed salts (Himalayan Crystal Salt) or unrefined sea salts.

Tips for avoiding water retention:

~ Eat Less Salt. Salt is made of sodium, the main “retaining” ingredient.

 ~ Increase Your Daily Magnesium Intake.

~ Increase Vitamin B6 Intake.

 ~ Eat More Potassium-Rich Foods.

~ Avoid Refined Carbs

If you are on Testosterone therapy and you are retaining water, it may be a sign that your estrogen levels are too high. Are you taking your estrogen blockers as organized by your physician? If you feel that you are not getting the benefits from Testosterone therapy that you read about, contact us so we can help you.


Following some of the tips above will help you to dramatically improve vascular appearance without having to use any dangerous diuretics or other strange gimmicks.

  • The best thing is that these tips will promote a more lasting, obvious vascularity dilation, instead of generating a 20-minute simulation with a few quick pumps.

If you have any questions or comments about the  information above, or if you are interested in participating in Testosterone therapy, Sermorelin therapy  or HGH therapy, you can contact us by filling out our Medical History Form (if you fill out our form, you can expect a call back within 24 business hours) or by dialing:


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