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How to Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), The Right Way

how to get TRT

Low testosterone levels in the body are usually a result of a medical condition or a decline in age. Also known as low-T, a reduction in testosterone in the body has different symptoms, including depression, low energy levels, irritability, poor muscle mass and bone health, and bad cardiac health. Testosterone replacement therapy, abbreviated as TRT, is a type of hormone therapy used to treat low-T. The testosterone preparation methods have advanced with the present-day ones, including IM injections, oral, subcutaneous, transdermal, and buccal.

They all have different dosages, formulations, safety profiles, and ways of administration that have also changed over the years. With more delivery systems, newer ones have served as alternatives for the more established ones.

Testosterone replacement therapy has tripled over the past couple of years. Although most people get the treatment without an apparent reason, 75% of the men who receive it have their testosterone levels checked before starting the process.

As the popularity of testosterone therapy increases, doctor and patient awareness has risen equally, skyrocketing the use of TRT globally. While men have been the most common recipients of TRT, there has been a gradual shift, primarily because of the increasing number of transgender patients. Hence, this has significantly impacted the growth and rampant use of different testosterone treatments.

How to Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There are wrong and right ways to get testosterone replacement therapy; let’s dive into how to get it correctly. 

Go to Your Doctor

One way of getting testosterone replacement therapy is through your doctor. Perhaps you have been exhibiting low-T symptoms; you could consult your doctor, who will prescribe a testosterone treatment. While getting TRT through your doctor might seem right, some people report that doctors don’t understand their symptoms and tell them they are “in range.” Often, doctors follow reference ranges for testosterone that are usually reduced over time and span many age groups. So your doctor may tell you you’re in the “normal testosterone range” even when experiencing low-T symptoms and shallow testosterone levels. This can mean that you are in the range of an 80-year-old when your actual age is in the ’40s, which can lead to many men who aren’t getting the treatment they should get, 

Go to an Anti-aging Clinic

An anti-aging clinic is a clinic that specializes in providing anti-aging treatments that are usually surgical or non-surgical. Instead of getting TRT from a general practitioner, an anti-aging clinic specifically works with patients who need hormone therapy and have doctors who are experts in it working with you. Since their services are narrowed down to hormone therapy and different anti-aging solutions, you can be sure of getting top-notch treatment. 

Process of Getting TRT with Clinic

Once you choose a clinic for testosterone treatment, a few steps are involved. From consulting an expert to getting your treatment plan, all the steps are essential to establishing the kind of treatment you need. Below is the simple process of getting TRT through a clinic.


During your first appointment, your doctor will identify your potential needs for therapy. And during the consultation, you become aware of the different methods of treatment that your clinic is comfortable and knowledgeable with. During the consultation, you will also learn more about how TRT works and precisely what it does. You need to also inquire about the side effects of the treatment, if any, and what to expect once therapy begins. Above all, you want to build an honest, trustworthy relationship with your provider.

Medical Exam

You will also be required to undergo a medical exam before you are placed for therapy. This may also include filling out your medical history form about your symptoms, supplements, medications prescribed to you, and your final goal for the testosterone replacement therapy. The medical exam clarifies your provider’s health, making starting in the right direction easy.

Blood Work

Blood work is also done to ascertain whether your red blood cell count, prostate-specific antigen, blood lipids, and other pertinent markers lie in a healthy range. The blood test comprises two hormone panels that show Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone. After blood work, your provider can use your unique profile to develop an optimization protocol.

Follow up Consultation

You also need a follow-up consultation to review blood work and determine the way forward for your treatment. The blood work results are vital for effective and safe prescriptions.

Treatment Plan

Your blood work is used to determine the right treatment plan for you. A good clinic will lay out your options and customized therapy protocol. Once the treatment begins, there is a need for annual blood tests to keep tabs on the testosterone levels, but it is okay to take more blood tests along the way if you want to for regular checkups.

Medicine Shipped to Your House

Medication commences immediately after a treatment plan is established and customized for your needs. Your provider will ship medicine to your house, which is convenient.

How Long Does the Process Take?

You can start therapy within one to two weeks, depending on how quickly you can complete the requirements. On the other hand, the onset and the period of the effects of TRT will differ depending on the dose and type of medication you use. The effects of the treatment will be gradual, and results might start showing as early as a few weeks into the treatment or up to after six months.

Changes in sexual interests and desires often take three weeks, steadying at the 6th week, similar to the onset of the effects on depressive moods, which peak between 18-30 weeks. Effects on muscle strength, fat mass, and lean body mass start showing between 12-16 weeks and plateau at 6-12 months, while those on bone start manifesting at six months up until three years. Effects on inflammation are usually detectable after 3-12 weeks and those of quality life between 3-4 weeks with extended maximal benefits.

How to Pick a Good Clinic?

When you decide to have TRT from a clinic, how do you ensure you pick the right clinic? The treatment might have serious side effects, but with the right clinic, your doctor should be able to develop a treatment that reduces side effects and other ramifications. Your provider should also walk with you throughout the journey and guide you. Hence, below are a few tips to consider when choosing a clinic for your TRT.

They have a doctor and work with reputable pharmacies.

Many clinics today are run by quacks who need more training and expertise on what they market themselves for. You don’t want to fall victim to unprofessional individuals, so always look for a clinic with a qualified TRT doctor. The experience and reputation of your doctor play a considerable role in the success of the treatment. Also, you want to ensure that your preferred clinic collaborates with reputable pharmacies. This is because there are a lot of counterfeit drugs, so if they are working with questionable or unheard-of pharmacies, consider looking for other options. The more reputable(positive) the pharmacies your clinic work with, the easier it is to trust them.

They require blood work and an exam.

Before deciding the specific type of treatment, blood work and an exam will need to be carried out to establish how low your testosterone levels are. Symptoms might be apparent, but blood work and exams are vital in diagnosing low-T, i.e., testosterone deficiency. So, confirm before proceeding with the treatment when looking for a TRT clinic.

They have a nationwide reach. 

You also don’t want to be limited because of your location, so you want to be able to access TRT services from anywhere. Many patients miss out on the treatment because many clinics need a nationwide reach. The best way to avoid this limitation is to find a clinic with telemedicine services. This way, you can receive treatment remotely regardless of where you are in the country.

They don’t require you to come in for injections.

When picking out a clinic for your testosterone replacement treatment, you want to choose one that does not require you to go into the office for injections. This treatment will take a while, so you want convenience to be at the top of your list before deciding which clinic to choose. Going to the clinic for injections every time can be a hassle, but finding a clinic that offers delivery services can make the whole process painless. 

Different TRT Options 

One of the biggest perks of testosterone replacement treatment is that it can be done differently. So this gives you various options to choose from if you are not comfortable with one method. To that end, here are other TRT options you should consider.


Testosterone injections can either be made under the skin or in a muscle. While you or a family member can learn to give the injection, some of the profound intermuscular injections will have to be issued by your doctor’s office, and they may exhibit significant side effects.


Testosterone can also be introduced into the body through cream application. You will be required to rub the cream into your skin, and depending on the type of cream or gel you are using, the area may vary from the upper arm, shoulder, and the front or inner thigh. The testosterone is absorbed into the body, so showering should be avoided unless a few hours have lapsed. On the downside, the medication can be transferred to another person in case of skin-to-skin contact, and the area of the skin might get irritated after application.


TRT is also administered through pellets surgically implanted under the skin. The procedure requires an incision, and the testosterone-infused shots must be invested every three to six months. They are usually buried inside the soft tissues, where the testosterone is slowly released into the bloodstream.

Benefits of TRT

TRT started mainly as a treatment for low testosterone due to a medical condition and other gains for patients. Here are some of the benefits of getting TRT.

Boosts Muscle Mass

TRT helps to increase strength, endurance, and muscle size while decreasing the fat in various body parts. Hence, testosterone replacement therapy combined with healthy physical exercise goes a long way to improving muscle mass.

Enhances Bone Health

With a decline in age, testosterone levels also drop, which leads to a decrease in bone density and strength. This often results in a high risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and breaks as time goes by. Bone mineral intensity, increased mobility, and support significantly improve TRT.

Boosts Moods and Energy Levels

Another benefit of TRT is that it boosts moods and raises energy levels. Low testosterone levels in men have been linked with low energy levels and perspectives, especially in old age.

Cardiac Health

The onset of cardiovascular disease is also associated with testosterone levels in the body, as low testosterone increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and problems. Research has proved that men with high testosterone levels have low levels of triglycerides, insulin, and systolic blood pressure and increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. All these are linked to good cardiovascular health.

Boosts Sexual Drive

Low testosterone count translates to low libido and sex drive in men. This also affects the quality of erections and the ability to get and maintain them. One way to restore your sexual movement is through testosterone replacement treatment. 

Work With AAI!

If you are looking to get testosterone replacement therapy, then consider working with AAI Rejuvenation Clinic. AAI Rejuvenation Clinic comprises professionals dedicated to providing personalized solutions to your needs. Our approach also includes continuous support and monitoring to ensure that your health and wellness goals are achieved. Additionally, working with AAI is convenient as you won’t have to make endless trips to the clinic thanks to their concierge-like services that get everything you need to be delivered to you. In a nutshell, AAI clinics’ services are fashioned to leave you feeling and looking better!

**NOTE** The content in this blog is subject to interpretation and is the opinion of the content writer. We do not claim it to be fact. We encourage you to consult a medical doctor before taking any prescribed medications or supplements.


Supporting Hormones health is essential for overall well-being and vitality. By incorporating regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and IV therapy, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels and lead a healthy, balanced life. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or starting any new treatments to ensure they suit your needs.

At AAI Rejuvenation Clinic, we advise anyone to think seriously about beginning Hormone treatment if there is no medical need for it. However, we will take every precaution to ensure that you read your program’s positive benefits by providing the latest at-home hormonal mouth-swab testing to ensure we are continually monitoring your progress and aware of any adverse side effects. Fill out the Medical History Form, or if you need more information, call us at (866) 224-5698 or (866) AAI-Low-T. 

Low Hormone Symptoms

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

*Please consult with a medical professional about any information provided in this article.


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