What Is BPC-157?
What Is BPC-157?
Research on BPC-157 Peptide has been ongoing since 1991 and results thereof indicate that the peptide can repair damaged bones, teeth, muscles, tendons, and even intestines. Data based on in vitro lab tests as well as in vivo studies conducted on both rodents and humans. Some involved injecting the peptide under the skin (SubQ) or into the muscles intramuscularly.
BPC-157 Peptide is also known as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide,” primarily because it is stable in human gastric juice. It can also cause a natural healing effect on both the upper and lower GI tract.
It also produces a therapeutic effect on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – all again, surprisingly free of side effects.
HOW DOES BPC 157 Peptide Works?
In response to tendon and ligament injury, BPC 157 Peptide accelerates healing by increasing type 1 collagen in these tissues.
BPC 157 Peptide is cytoprotective and thus helps maintain the mucosal lining of the GI tract in the body.
BPC 157 also acts as an anti-inflammatory; it aids in the protection and healing of inflamed intestinal tissues.
BPC 157 Peptide also aids in tissue damage repair by increasing blood flow to damaged tissues.
Additionally, BPC 157 Peptide acts as a neuroprotective by modulating serotonin, dopamine in brain production.
The reason to used BPC 157 Peptide?
Based on the literature, BPC-157 has shown to:
It improves the healing of many types of wounds.
It protects intestinal organs and prevents stomach ulcers.
Reduce cramps and Crohn’s disease.
Accelerate healing of skin burns.
Reduce anti-inflammatory.
Maintains the integrity of mucosal lining GI tract
Repairs tissues of GIT, tendons, bone, ligaments, brain, etc.
BPC-157 Improves the digestive system function.
It protects and promotes the healing of the liver due to toxic stress levels.
BPC 157 Peptide is a stable gastric peptide and has found as a safe treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), also ligament wounds, and tendon to bone wounds. It is safe in human gastric juice and has no reported toxicity.
BY demonstrated in the research studies cited above, BPC-157 Peptide also accelerates wound healing and, via interaction with the Nitric Oxide (NO) system. It also causes the protection of endothelial tissue and an “angiogenic” (blood vessel building) wound-healing effect. An occurs even in severely impaired conditions, such as in advanced and poorly controlled irritable bowel disease. In which it stimulates the expression of genes responsible for cytokine and growth factor generation and also extracellular matrix (collagen) formation. Along with intestinal anastomosis healing, the reversal of short bowel syndrome and fistula healing – all of which can incredibly frustrating issues in people who have diarrhea, gut pain, constipation, and bowel inflammation.
So if you have joint pain that won’t go away, some muscle tear, sprain or strain, or gut “issues,” you should keep reading.
BPC, Discover, stands for “Body Protecting Compound.” Your body already makes it in your gastric juices in small amounts, where it serves to protect and heal your gut. But if you can get the super-concentrated version and get it into your system. It has a high level of biological healing activity.
Published an article on BPC-157 Peptide which showed that the peptide has the benefits and healing properties:
BPC 157 Heal’s tendons and bones, in a way that rivals conventional surgical methods.
BPC 157 Peptide Stimulates the healing of the bones and ligaments by promoting improved cell survival and cell migration. These results based on research that was affected by an Achilles tendon rupture. They had the peptide administered to them through drinking water.
BPC 157 Peptide can offset the gut damaging effects, then from taking, like Advil and Ibuprofen.
Inflammatory disease healed within days of orally ingesting the BPC 157 Peptide.
BPC 157 Peptide has been shown to improve periodontitis. BPC-157 is so effective at improving this condition that scientists are considering the possibility of making it a viable treatment for it.
BPC 157 Peptide healed and reversed systemic corticosteroid-impaired muscle healing. These results happened after one dosage of the peptide per day for 14 days.
BPC 157 Peptide has fast-tracked the healing of segmental bone defects.
Scientists recognize BPC-157 Peptide as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide,” due to its ability to bring equilibrium to human gastric juice. It has also been shown to treat ulcers, heal inflammatory bowel disease as well as the upper and lower GI tract with remarkable efficiency. The best part is that BPC-157 doesn’t come with any adverse side-effects!
The abovementioned studies all indicate that BPC-157 works excellent when it comes to fast-tracking wound healing. Through its positive interaction with the Nitric Oxide (NO) system, BPC-157 helps heal wounds by building up the blood vessels and protecting the endothelial tissue. It also promotes gene expression while specifically targeting genes that are responsible for collagen formation, generation of growth factor, and cytokine. It can also heal intestinal anastomosis and short bowel syndrome. All of the abovementioned conditions are known to affect sufferers of bowel inflammation, diarrhea, constipation, and gut pain. These positive effects have been observed even in states that had reached advanced stages.
Based on the research conducted on BPC-157 thus far, a single dosage of 1-10 mcg per kg of body weight taken once daily is the best way to go. It brings the most systematic benefit for the body and translates to 200-800 mcg per day, depending on the individual’s body weight.
People recover from an injury like a pec tear or have bad elbows from training hard in the gym or even in other sports like Golf and Tennis.
There’s no one size fits all approach when it comes to the dosage recommendation, and it all depends on the individual. It’s worth mentioning here that some of the mild reactions mostly happened in cases where a higher dosage of the peptide taken. However, they only lasted for a few hours at a time and dissipated with a lower dose. So proceed with caution, and if you experience any side-effects, reduce the dose until you find something that works for you.
So far, no side effects have observed from the use of BPC-157. Although there have been reports of mild sickness or nausea among users, both forces later attributed to being the result of the body acclimating itself to the peptide. Aside from that, BPC-157 is very safe and has incredible healing properties that positively affect the organs. Even clinical phase 2 research results have shown no side effects.
What can you expect from BPC-157 SubQ or ORALLY
As previously mentioned, BPC-157 has a systemic effect on the body. The subcutaneous method is the easiest and least painful because it involves inserting the injection under the skin, preferably in an area as close to the injury or pain-point as possible.
It’s Similar to subcutaneous injections; this method requires to clean the rubber stopper and the part of the skin that you are going to inject with an alcohol swab. All you have to do is pinch an area of the skin as close as possible to the injury. Make sure to angle the needle so that it sort of “slips” underneath the area of the skin that you’ve pinched and not directly onto it. Remember to use an alcohol swab to clean the skin area you’re about to inject, a rubber stopper also before and after the injection.
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